Emergency Preparedness


Henderson County Health Department staff receive training to be better prepared for a natural or manmade disaster. The Henderson County Health Department also provides information to the public regarding health and safety issues that focus on preparedness for extreme weather conditions according to each season. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) encourages citizens to take precautions to keep themselves and their families safe before, during, and after an emergency whether it is a natural or manmade disaster. Public Health Emergency Preparedness collaborates with the Henderson County Emergency Management Agency, the Henderson County Sheriff’s Office, and Henderson County COAD (Communities Organizations Active in Disasters) to help county residents become better prepared for emergency situations.

A toolkit to prepare for emergency disasters can be found at the following location: https://emergency.cdc.gov/

Another preparedness site is: https://www.ready.gov/

The Henderson County Health Department hosts an MRC Unit which utilizes community volunteers to receive training in order to assist with emergency events. MRC is a national network of volunteer medical professionals, public health experts, and others who help make their communities stronger and healthier during disasters and every day. Local MRC volunteers are trained as part of a team and work within their community’s health, preparedness, and response infrastructures to help meet local medical and public health needs during emergencies. MRC volunteers also promote preparedness in their communities to improve everyday health, reducing potential public health risks and vulnerabilities.