Family Case Management

Family Case Management is a statewide program funded by the Department of Human Services. The Family Case Management (FCM) program serves pregnant women and infants. If you are pregnant, on WIC or receive LINK/SNAP, or have a high-risk infant under the age of one, and qualify under income-guidelines, you may be eligible. The goals of the program are to reduce the infant mortality rate, promote wellness and healthy lifestyles in pregnant women, infants, and children up to the age of 1 year. Case management services include: health education, family planning education, supportive personal contact, assessment of needs, and referrals to other social service agencies and medical services.

Family Case Management can help you:

Find a doctor for a healthy pregnancy or child care

Understand the importance of a reproductive health plan

Understand the importance of early and regular prenatal care

Understand the importance of regularly scheduled well child visits and immunizations

Understand the stages of your child’s development.

Provide health and nutrition education in person and online

A Family Case Manager can also connect you to other resources

Enroll you and your child/children in WIC

High Risk Infant Follow Up

Family Case Management services also includes High Risk Infant Follow-Up Program (HRIF). Infants with a medical risk factor identified at birth are referred to the health department for follow-up. Regardless of income, infants and their families are offered support and advocacy from a home visiting nurse. Visits include developmental screening, physical assessment, and education.

Youth Care Program

Youth Care (formerly known as Healthworks HWIL) is a collaborative effort between the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), the Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS). Youth Care Health Choice Illinois ensures that children in the protective custody of DCFS receive quality healthcare services that meet their individual needs. Medical case management is provided for youth under the age of 6, who are in the care of DCFS. Medical care management ensures that children meet all health care requirements, like routine examines, immunizations, dental care, and hearing and vision screenings. This is accomplished by the medical case manager collecting and reviewing medical records, collaborating with foster parents, and providing these medical records and health summary to the assigned DCFS case worker biannually.

For additional information about these programs:

Contact: The Maternal Child Health Coordinator 309-627-2812, ext. 223 Call for any questions or to make an appointment.

Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 8 AM – 4 PM.

Family Case Managment

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