
Hospice is a Medicare certified program. It provides care and support to the terminally ill and their families in their homes, assisted living, or skilled nursing facilities.


Hospice affirms life.

Hospice exists to provide support and care for persons in the last phases of a life-limiting illness so that they may live as fully and comfortably as possible.

Hospice exists in the belief that through appropriate care and the promotion of a caring community, patients and families/caregivers will be free to attain a degree of mental preparation for death that is satisfying to them.

Hospice Information Video


Henderson County Health Department provides an individualized program of physical, emotional, spiritual, and practical care for people in the last phases of a life-limiting illness, with an emphasis on control of pain and other symptoms. The program is reflective of a spirit and idea of caring that emphasizes comfort and dignity for the dying, making it possible for them to remain independent for as long as possible, and in familiar surroundings. Hospice care is centered on both the patient and family/caregiver. Hospice personnel respect and respond to the unique differences in family/caregiver, lifestyles, values, and wishes.

Utilizing an interdisciplinary group approach of physicians, nurses, social workers, homemakers, hospice aides, volunteers, spiritual counselors, bereavement counselors, and others; Henderson County Health Department provides Comfort Care in the home, short-term inpatient services, mobilization and coordination of ancillary services, and bereavement support. Services will be equitably distributed to a medically and financially diversified group of patients in a cost effective manner, which ensures adherence to the goals of Henderson County Health Department and the maintenance of the financial solvency of the organization.


Henderson County Health Department recognizes these values and their roles in fulfilling this mission.


Hospice services are billed to Medicare, Medicaid, V.A., and private insurance. Memorials and donations are used to pay for services and medical equipment and supplies not covered otherwise.

Hospice pays for any needed medications for pain and symptom control, medical equipment and supplies, nursing, social worker, home health aide, homemaker, therapy, dietitian, couseling services, and short-term inpatient care for symptom control or respite related to the Hospice diagnosis.

Guidelines for Admission

Live in the service area
Consent of the attending physician
Life expectancy of 6 months or less
Accept palliative care (comfort) rather than curative care
Accept the philosophy of allowing death to occur naturally without extraordinarey interventions.
Arrangements for a capable and willing caregive to serve in the home.

Hospice Team and Services

Nurses provide skilled care in the home as approved by the patient's primary doctor and the Hospice team.
Social Worker helps the patients and family cope with the emotional and financial stresses of illness.
Chaplain provides pastoral care as requested and assists with coordination of spiritual counseling.
Medical Director provides pain and symptom management as needed.
Home Care Aides assist with personal care and homemaking.
Volunteers assist with personal needs, reading, errands, and provide companionship and support.
Bereavement Support is provided by the Hospice Team and volunteers to help family and significant others cope with grieving.

Caregiver Support

Providing support for loved ones during their end of life journey is a hard and meaningful job. You will experience many feelings during this journey. Many times you need support to help with the best possible care for your loved one during this process. Henderson County Health Department understands this and provides a range of services that are for the caregiver. There services include:

Support Services Coordinator visits
Social Worker visits
Clergy visits (if desired)
Respite Care
Educational materials